My style gives me the ability to demand attention without seeking it, float with my feet on the ground and for a moment feel like I'm in control of society. I do this all with a positive spirit and a very low budget lol. Putting an outfit together is a job that I take seriously, because I want you to know how I'm feeling at first glance. Due to my love of warm weather clothes, I had to make use of the opportunity when winter decided to invite its cousin warmth over for a couple hours. I showed my appreciation by reaching for my cool pair of carib blue socks from a brand called We Love Colors, and a lightweight denim shirt I got from H&M for a steal (state price here) :). I paired those with a simple pair of grey pants and my favorite black shoes. It doesn't take a genius to create great style, just a vision which we all ave the potential to unearth. Be like me, experiment with fashion, if you love what you wear, be confident and no one will be able to take your shine.

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